After you have been in a car accident , one of the first things that happens is an insurance adjuster calls you for an interview .The adjuster wants to take a recored statement to determine liability and your injuries . I have come full circle on this issue of recorded statements . Before I started my own firm 10 years ago , I worked in a firm that did personal injury law and criminal defense . It was that firm’s position to never give a recorded statement . I have even asked adjusters to allow me to speak to their insured if I allowed them to speak to my client . You can imagine this did not go over well . The question remains should you give a recorded statement ?
It is now my postion to give a limited recorded statement as to liability only . However , this postion has some rules to follow . First , I would suggest you hire an attorney if this case involves a personal injury or wrongful death claim .Second , you should tape the interview as well . Third , you should read the accident report very carefully . Fourth , you should write a history of the accident as soon as possible and prior to the interview reread this information. Lastly , do not discuss the injury claim just discuss the liability . It might speed the settlement process .
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