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As you travel the Minnesota roads this winter season, it’s not unusual to pass signs of single car spin outs and collisions. Speed and road conditions are often the factors the police ascribe to these accidents. In these collisions are there still claims?

The answer in in most cases yes.

– With any Minnesota motor vehicle accident there is almost always No Fault coverage. A claim can be made to pay medical bills, wage loss, replacements services and resulting medical mileage for those injured. Depending on the circumstances, that claim will either be from the persons car insurance or the involved vehicle.

– Passengers who didn’t contribute to the accident will have the right to make a liability claim if they have pain and suffering and if they meet a Minnesota threshold.

– There is often property damage issue , both for the vehicle and other items in the car.

An experienced Personal Injury lawyer should be able to help any of the parties involved, figure out all of the coverages available. If you or a family member is involved make sure you talk to someone before you sign away rights you have or if you are told that you can’t make a claim.

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