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Three vehicles and a tractor-trailer were involved in an auto accident, Wednesday that sent one person to the hospital while affecting traffic on U.S. Highway 64.

A car traveling westbound on Highway 64 turned left in front of a truck traveling eastbound, police said. The truck crashed into the car, pushing it through the intersection, where it came to rest along a ditch and guardrail.

The car that was hit was knocked into the median and hit a second car that was waiting to turn. A third car waiting next to the second to turn was showered with broken glass.

Police say a 25-year-old Raleigh woman was driving the car that was hit by the tractor trailer. She was transported to WakeMed in Raleigh, her condition is unknown.

DMV Motor Carrier Officers cited the tractor trailer in the accident for having a non-operating left front brake. Investigators had not decided to file charges as of yet.

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