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Nashville and the surrounding counties such as Rutherford , Wilson , and Williamson Counties are blessed with three interstates . The only problem with the access to these interstates is the increased number of serious tractor trailer accidents . It is imperative for your case to hire an attorney immediately to begin an investigation.

The main reason is to prevent the destruction of evidence and to obtain vital evidence as soon as possible . A wrecked truck provides a ton of information about the crash such as point of impact, speed, and whether all the safety equipment was working properly . Logbooks could be lost , destroyed , or tampered with. Beer cans, prescription bottles, and/or other evidence could be present. Hiring an attorney would start the investiagation process sooner. Once an attorney is hired, an investigator would then be brought in and letters to the trucking company would be sent to perserve the truck and its contents.

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