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It would seem like, as a consumer, you would have a lot of protections or help when you buy car insurance. Unfortunately, there is little help out there. It is up to you to understand your coverage.

– The agents often don't understand the coverages or seem to have the incentive to really make sure you are protected. Forget about it if you are buying your coverage online and there is no one there to give you advice.

– The courts seem to not have a problem with OKing positions that don't make sense or clearly seem unfair. Past decisions allowing motorcyclists to buy worthless underinsured motorist coverage and allowing very insurance company friendly definitions to stand don't bode will for you if you don't get the coverage you thought you had.

As lawyers who work in this area, we can help, but almost every time it's after the fact that we see the person was sold garbage for their hard earned money. But, we are willing to talk to you if you have questions.

Couple of things to consider:

– If you have multiple cars insured you should stack them. Basically, multiply your coverage of medical and wage loss by the number of cars.

– Make sure you have at least as much UM/UIM coverage for you as you do in liability for everyone else.

– Make sure the exclusions in your policy don't prevent something that you do as being the reason that you don't get coverage.

– Make sure you have a solid way to ensure that your premiums are paid.

– Don't go along with signatures or payment plans with the agent that don't seem correct. It is amazing how the helpful agent can cause you problems when they don't get the money in or they don't get the correct people to sign the coverages.

Auto insurance is a mandatory coverage in Minnesota, so make sure you buy real protection.

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