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So often, we see fatal crashes that occurred during the middle of the night or as a result of someone driving while intoxicated

May is officially Motorcycle Awareness Month in North Carolina. The motorcycle- and ATV-related injuries and deaths that have happened recently are all the more infuriating knowing that motorists in NC are supposed to have heightened awareness this month.

This week, a 21-year-old rider from Greensboro, North Carolina, was traveling north on North Church Street on a sunny, late spring morning. Not unlike an N.C. State University student from Greensboro who died while riding his motorcycle earlier this year — this biker was on the road during what you might imagine are ideal conditions for riding a motorcycle or bike. Unfortunately, he was struck by a car.

Though he was transported to Moses Cone Hospital, his condition deteriorated as the day went on. Tragically, he died on the evening of May 24, 2011.

The driver who hit him, Joy Solomon, 29, of Greensboro, has not yet been charged in the accident. Perhaps she was texting or talking while driving or simply not paying attention. Whatever the case, this young man will be desperately missed by his friends and family.

As soon as an official accident report is available, you will be able to find it for free on

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