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Schneider Electric issued a voluntary recall of APC SurgeArrest surge protectors because they have the potential to melt, overheat and smoke, posing a fire hazard.

To this date, the company has received more than 700 reports of the surge protectors melting and overheating. 55 claims involved property damage from fire and smoke and 13 reports involved injuries that included smoke inhalation and contact burns from contact with the overheated surge protectors.

This recall involves the APC 7 and 8 SurgeArrest surge protectors that were manufactured prior to 2003. A complete list of the models included in this recall can be viewed on the CPSC Website. But, as a reference, if the unit includes the following numbers it is included in the recall 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01 or 02.

Consumers should unplug the recalled surge protectors and contact Schneider Electric for a free replacement. For additional information, please call the company at (888) 437-4007 or by visiting, or

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