A recent article in The Inquisitr highlighted the controversy surrounding the Gardasil vaccine, which is given to protect young woman against cervical cancer caused by the human papilolomavirus. (HPV).
The Inquisitr reported on the accounts of two doctors who worked at Merck during the development of Gardasil, one of which recently called Gardasil the “greatest medical scandal of all time.”
Dr. Bernard Dalbergue made his prediction about Gardasil in an interview with the French Journal, Principes De Sante (Health Principles). He said that although Gardasil was very expensive, it was dangerous and useless.
According to Dalbergue, Merck, motivated by profit, knew that there could be potentially dangerous Gardasil side effects but continued with the development of the HPV vaccine.
In fact, Merck didn’t even put Gardasil through all the appropriate tests required for new drugs and vaccines. The Inquisitr accounted the claims of Dr. Diane Harper, an OB/GYN involved in Gardasil’s clinical trials. Dr. Harper claims that Gardasil was not properly tested with a double-blind study, which measures the effects of two parties, one of which is given the drug and the other is given a placebo. Both are kept “blind” as to whether or on they received the drug or the placebo. Instead Merck gave the participants the vaccine, and a vaccine adjuvant to boost the body’s immune response.
Since being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June 2006, Gardasil has been linked to a number of side effects, including death. Reported Gardasil reactions include encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, premature menopause, paralysis of the lower limbs and blood clots.
In March 2010, Anapol Schwartz Vaccine Lawyers, Lawrence Cohan and Melissa Hague filed a Gardasil lawsuit on behalf of 15-year-old girl who died after suffering severe reactions to the Gardasil vaccine. That same week the Anapol Schwartz Vaccine Lawyers filed another Gardasil Lawsuit. This one involved a 19-year old woman who was diagnosed with Guillain Barre, and suffers from neurological difficulties as a result of the Gardasil vaccine. I, along with Lawrence Cohan, was able to successfully resolve this woman’s case by obtaining a six-figure settlement for her Gardasil injuries.
These Gardasil injuries prove that Dalbergue was correct in referring to Gardasil as “dangerous” but what about “useless”? To back up Dalbergue’s statement, over 90% of HPV cases clear up naturally. Also, the disease itself is on the decline. At least this much is clear at this point, the link between Gardasil and injury is becoming less attenuated as more key players in the manufacturing and design of the vaccine have spoken out and more peer reviewed studies are published on the Gardasil vaccine and its adverse effects.
While Gardasil was originally approved to protect young woman against HPV, the Gardasil was later approved to protect boys against HPV, and has also been approved to treat certain vaginal, vulva, and anal cancers.
For more information about the Inquisitor Article, please visit: http://www.examiner.com/article/gardasil-former-merck-dotor-predicts-the-greatest-medical-scandal-of-all-time

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What a tragedy it's all greed politics
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