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The brother of a construction worker who died in the crane collapse incident has filed notice that he will sue the city of new York for $30 million for his brother’s wrongful death. The claim filed by Christopher Canzona, brother of Clifford Canzona, was the first legal action taken since the crane collapse on March 15. The collapse killed a total of seven people and ruined or damaged many building.

Clifford Canzona, of Seaford, was helping to erect a 46-story condominium building when the accident occurred, the notice of claim says. Canzona, 45, and co-workers plunged 18 floors. Canzona, employed by Rapetti Rigging Service, was found dead “on March 18 under rubble and debris crushed by the crane,” the notice of claim says. His was one of the last three bodies found.

The claim states that the accident was partly caused by the city’s negligence and partly because the Department of Buildings did not inspect the construction site properly and ignored obvious problems with the erection of the tower.

One of the site inspectors was arrested last week because investigations revealed that he did not inspect the crane on March 4, as he had claimed to. Now all the cranes around the city are being inspected for problems.

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