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Crocs, the popular bright rubber clogs that come in an array of colors and shape to you feet, can be dangerous.

There have been reports that children wearing the popular shoes have had their feet sucked into the sides of escalators. Some stores and malls have even put up signs warning people that if they are wearing Crocs they should be careful. The manufacturers of Crocs have designed a new tag to include escalator safety tips.

Recently, many hospitals have decided to ban Crocs from being worn by staff. The shoes, which are marketed to nurses, can be dangerous for hospital personnel because sharp objects like needles or scalpels can fall into the holes that are located on the top of the shoe.

Some hospitals are just banning the Crocs that have the holes in the top; Crocs or shoes like them that have solid tops are allowed.

These shoes are worn by many children, adults, and hospital personnel, and they should be aware of the hazards that come along with wearing them.

For more information on this subject, pease refer to our section on Defective and Dangerous Products.

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