Last month, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled Walmart’s Baby Cookie Monster Toys. The plush Sesame Street character came with a small cookie attached to its hand.The CPSC determined that the cookie could be easily removed by a small child and the cookie stuffed by the child into his mouth creating a choking hazard.
Fortunately, the federal safety agency discovered this dangerous toy before any injuries occurred. Many times, the dangerous toy is not discovered until one or more tragedies are reported. The lesson, which I’ve stated in an earlier blog and will repeat from time to time, is that extreme caution is necessary when shopping for toys for young children. That caution is especially important with the Christmas shopping season coming soon. Stores will be flooded with toys intended for infants, toddlers, and young children. Some of these toys will inevitably contain potentially lethal hazards for their intended young users. Whether expensive or bargain priced, toys with sharp edges, projectiles, small removable parts or small parts that can be removed, should not be purchased for young children.
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