During April’s National Distracted Driving Awareness Month Anapol Schwartz partner Joel Feldman will be travelling to 10 states, giving 30 presentations and speaking with more than 7000 teens and adults. Joel will speak at high schools and colleges in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Atlanta, Delaware, and Maryland, and businesses and community groups in Georgia, New York and New Jersey. He will also be a featured speaker at safety conferences in Iowa and Tennessee.
Joel’s advocacy began in 2009 after his daughter Casey was killed by a distracted driver. “As an attorney I had represented many families whose loved ones were killed by a distracted driver before Casey was killed-looking back I was an observer of other’s grief. When Casey was killed I became a participant and it is very different.” Joel readily admits that even though he represented families whose loved ones were killed by a distracted driver he still continued to drive distracted. “I thought I was different, that I was a good driver and it couldn’t happen to me.” Through his organization EndDD.org Joel has developed a science-based distracted driving presentation with the help of researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He coordinates programs in more than 20 states working with professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds who volunteer to give the EndDD.org presentation in high schools and community meetings. Close to 200,000 have seen the presentation in more than 40 states and Canada. Joel will be joined by firm members Tom Anapol and Melissa Hague for presentations in April at Pennsbury High School in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Joel feels strongly, that like him, other parents should be doming more to teach their children to drive safer by driving distraction free themselves. To that end he created a PSA that specifically targets parents and implores teens to help their parents drive safer. To see the PSA go to http://enddd.org/end-distracted-driving/distracted-driving-teens-whose-parents-drive-distracted-are-more-than-twice-as-likely-to-also-drive-distracted-1/

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