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There has been a lot of talk lately about "distracted driving" and that includes driving while intoxicated, texting, talking on a cell phone, smoking, reaching for something in a car, reaching to the back seat to hand something to a child, looking through a purse, putting on makeup, and looking up directions on a navigation system. Unfortunately, drivers continue to drive distracted – at least here where I am in Missouri and Illinois. On Thursday, the St. Louis area recieved a bit of snow and ice. While out on the Missouri roads, I noticed various drivers swerving, not because of the ice and snow, but because they were looking down to their phone – texting or surfing the web. I am amazed that drivers attempted to manuever through the bad traffic and road conditions while on their phones. It's not surprising that horrific car crashes are caused by these distracted drivers.

A Litchfield, Illinois man was killed in an Illinois car accident Saturday evening in Montgomery County, Illinois. His pickup truck crashed into a ditch and rolled over. According to initial reports, the driver may have been under the influence of alcohol.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recetly reported that nationwide, the number of traffic fatalities in 2010 dropped. That is great news but it is clear that serious accidents continue to occur as a result of drivers focused more on their phone texts and calls than on the road. Many local law firms and governmental agencies are pooling resources to help fight distracted driving. It would be nice to see the big, wealthy insurance companies jump-start a campaign to educate the public on the danger and seriousness of distracted driving. Instead, I continue to see insurance commercials regarding low rates and accident forgiveness.

Lindsay Rakers, Missouri and Illinois Injury Attorney

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