If you’re injured in an automobile accident, your auto insurance carrier might offer you a car accident settlement to cover the money you spent on your medical treatment or wages lost as a result from time off of work. Car accident victims may think the insurance company’s offer is the best way to go. They’re afraid that if they hire an auto accident attorney they will be forced to endure a jury trial. However, this is not necessarily the case.
As stated in 7 Fatal Mistakes Victims of Accidents Make in PA, almost all car accident lawsuits settle without going to trial. An experienced automobile accident lawyer may even be able to get your case settled without formally filing a lawsuit. Your auto accident attorney may be able to settle your case through mediation. However, if your car accident lawyer feels that the insurance company is not making a fair and reasonably offer, he or she may have no choice but to file a car accident lawsuit.
Once the lawsuit is filed, both your car accident attorney and the attorney for the other side will enter into the “discovery” state and investigate both sides of the claim. You will likely have to provide your medical records pertaining to treatment you received for injuries sustained as a result of the accident. You may also need to provide employment and financial records to support your claim for lost wages. You may also be required to take a deposition, or a recorded account of your side of the story. The other party will be required to take a deposition as well.
Once the discovery phase is complete, your auto accident attorney will enter into negotiations with the other party. While the discovery phase may seem like a long phase of your car accident lawsuit, it is very crucial to the negotiations. If your car accident lawyer is able to build a strong enough case, he or she may be able to settle your case during mediation or arbitration. If your car accident lawyer cannot settle your case before or during mediation or arbitration, then you may be required to go to trial.

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