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Floor lamps sold exclusively at Big Lots stores have been recalled in cooperation with the CPSC, due to an electric shock hazard if the wiring of the lamp’s light sockets should become exposed.

Additionally, using the recommended standard 40 watt bulb can generate excessive heat, which can melt the double plastic shades over the bulbs.

To this date, the company has received four reports of melting lampshades, but there have been no injuries reported.

The recall involves Classic Quarters Five Light Floor Lamps that stand about five feet tall. The Model Number is “G-1843-5” which can be found on the underside of the lamp base. The SKU numbers are 612007239, 612007829 or 612008982. Photos of the recalled lamps can be viewed here.

Consumers should discontinue using the recalled floor lamps and contact any Big Lots store for a refund. For more information, call Big Lots at (866) 244-5687 or visit them online at

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