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I heard that an individual was killed in a multi-vehicle car accident this morning in South St. Louis County, Missouri. The Missouri car accident accident occurred around 8:00 am on Kingston Drive between Jefferson Barracks and Mehlville. One individual was traveling south on Kingston when for unknown reasons, he struck another vehicle head-on. Somehow, a third vehicle was then involved in the car crash.

Immediately after learning of that story, I heard that a St. Louis Missouri police officer was injured when a drunk driver ran a stop sign and smashed into the police officer's car. As a result of this driver's negligence, the officer suffered a cut to his head.

This Missouri car crash prompted me to investigate the current state of accident fatalities and I was surprised at what I found regarding highway accident fatalities. For the last 10 years, highway car accident fatalities have been on the decline. But the first quarter of 2012 has revealed a recent surge in highway fatalities The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that for the first 3 months of 2012, traffic deaths increased by 13.5%, which is obviously a substantial amount. Some experts believe that rise in car crash fatalities is due to our warm winter.

Oftentimes, we associate cold winters with nasty road conditions and, thereby, increased traffic-related deaths. But typically, when the weather is poor, most people cut down on their driving. Our mild winter this year didn't keep people in their homes. To the contrary, driving numbers were up compared to years past. With more cars on the road, there is obviously a higher potential of traffic accidents and, in turn, highway fatalities.

Lindsay Rakers, and Illinois and Missouri car accident attorney.

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