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Last week, a woman and her child were tragically killed. Previously, all that had been reported was that a vehicle had crossed the path of an oncoming passenger train, resulting in fatalities for the car passengers.

New details now come to light in the News and Record:

Authorities state that the driver was using her mobile phone when the wreck occurred. Not only that, but an investigation revealed that the bells and lights of the crossing signal were operating properly at the time of the crash.

The driver and her five year old son were killed. A four-month-old was pulled alive from the wreckage.

The hazards inherent in operating a motor vehicle and mobile phone simultaneously should by now be obvious to the reader. Nevertheless, I wonder: How would the person to whom she was talking experience such an event?

If you are talking on the phone, and the person on the other end of the line is driving, consider their safety – and ask them to call you back.

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