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Listen in for an informative interview about sexual harassment with an exciting guest: NC Court of Appeals Judge Lucy Inman. Judge Inman gives us a crash course on appeals courts, and explains what a “strong case” looks like for a victim of sexual abuse or sexual harassment. We discuss sexual harassment both in the courts and in everyday life, including a conversation on subtle gender biases women have to face in the workforce even when they are a State Appeals Judge.

We talk more NC University campus sexual harassment news, including a Fraternity drug scandal at ECU and a hopeful change in investigation policy at UNC-Chapel Hill. We also check in with some former Bad Bosses, including Bill O’Reilly (who always seems to be on the sexual harassment radar), and introduce this week’s Bad Boss, Netflix’s former chief of communication officer, Jonathan Friedland. Ironically, Friedland got himself in trouble for failure to understand how to appropriately communicate. Do we think he accepts blame for his derogatory language? Listen in to find out!

Quote of the week:

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Judge Lucy Inman

If you’d like to hear more from Judge Inman follow her on twitter @JudgeLucyInman

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