A difficult childbirth can often lead to birth injuries such as brachial plexus palsy or Erb’s palsy.
Brachial plexus palsy and Erb’s palsy occur when the nerves around the infant’s shoulder are damaged during delivery and result in a loss of movement of the afflicted arm and hand. Brachial plexus palsy is the loss of movement in the upper arm. Erb’s palsy is a form of brachial plexus that affects the upper and lower arm.
Erb’s palsy and plexus palsy are not naturally occurring conditions that a child is born with. A baby suffers Erb’s Palsy during childbirth as a result of an improper delivery technique. The negligent delivery staff caused the child to suffer birth injuries and may be held liable for medical malpractice.
The effects of Erb’s and plexus palsy can last a few months or a lifetime and require surgeries, routine physical therapy sessions, and frequent doctor visits. A lifetime of Erb’s palsy treatment can be a physical, emotional and financial burden for families. Parents of children with Erb’s or plexus palsy have enough to worry about without stressing over mounting medical bills for their child. You should not have to fret about paying for someone else’s mistake.
If your child was injured at birth you may be eligible to seek compensation for medical expenses as well as the Erb’s Palsy. Contact an Erb’s palsy lawyer who can help you plan for your child’s current and future needs.

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