Dear John,
Is there anything worse than a parasitic trial lawyer? How about a hypocritical, fake journalist who won’t respond to facts?
Your program the other night criticized trial lawyers. You even criticized your own attorney who represented you from this "ferocious" attack by a pro wrestler – Shultz. Who was your attorney? You called him sleazy. I’d like to hear his side of it. If he is still living, why don’t you interview your own attorney?
Apparently, your attorney was so sleazy that he got you a settlement from the World Wrestling Federation in the amount of $425,000.00. For the two slaps above? Are you kidding? How’s that permanent hearing loss coming? Maybe you were permanently injured because your shows sure show a lack of sense. Is that the incident that helped launch your career? You two probably went out for cocktails celebrating after that victory.
Since Wikipedia is probably your news source, here are the circumstances of the incident under Mr. Shultz’s biography according to Wikipedia:
Assault on John Stossel
Schultz had a notorious encounter on December 28, 1984 with 20/20 reporter John Stossel while Stossel was backstage at Madison Square Garden doing a story about professional wrestling’s secrets. During an interview Stossel told Schultz that he thought pro wrestling was fake and Schultz’s response was to slap Stossel twice, knocking him to the floor each time. Between each slap, Schultz said, "That’s an open hand slap. Is that fake?" The attack, which attracted a large amount of media coverage, was later aired on national television including ABC News which reported that the network had received more than 1,000 calls from viewers inquiring about Mr. Stossel’s health.
Marvin Kohn, a deputy commissioner at the New York State Athletic Commission, had been present at the arena during the incident and immediately suspended Schultz for his actions. Although called by Commissioner Jose Torres to come to a hearing before the Commission, Kohn later reported that Schultz had written a letter to the commission admitting "that he had acted improperly and apologized both to the commission and to Mr. Stossel" and further stated "I intend the commission to know that I did not intend to hurt John Stossel. I apologize to the commission and to John Stossel."
Stossel later claimed he was unaware of Schultz’s apology and would pursue his action in court although commented he would be "less likely to sue" if the after-effects of his injury disappeared.[10] However, Stossel eventually filed a lawsuit against the World Wrestling Federation, and settled out of court for $425,000.[11]
Although he has consistently maintained that World Wrestling Federation officials told him to hit Stossel, Schultz was fired. Many industry insiders believe that it was not because of his actions against Stossel, rather, Schultz was fired for challenging Mr. T to a fight backstage at a WWF show at Madison Square Garden,[12] even though the assault may have helped to end his wrestling career.
You are so well-known for your inaccuracies that it’s almost laughable: "Accuracy isn’t one of Stossel’s strong suits." The problem is that Fox News let’s you come on their program and "report" this drivel. People actually believe your crap. Which is worse: a trial lawyer who puts the facts and evidence before a jury of the parties’ peers, or you putting nonsense and hypocritical statements out to millions with nothing to back them up?
You had to cut off Geoffrey Fieger during your debate for fear that you would look too ridiculous, and then you get a doctor to come on and spout the same drivel. You even throw John Edwards in to help sway your viewers. Doctors have no clue about this because they have been brainwashed. Their malpractice carriers want them to be afraid so they will think they need them. Good doctors have nothing to worry about, and even the bad ones have little fear.
Maybe, just maybe, you could get some real world experience. I was in court the other day with a defense attorney on a medical malpractice case. Yes, that’s right, an actual courtroom. You do know what that is don’t you? The defense attorney told me she had just gotten out of several weeks of trial on two cases. I asked, "How did it go?" Her response, "We won. THEY ARE KIND OF HARD TO LOSE."
Hmmmm. A defense attorney says that medical malpractice cases are kind of hard to lose. Let me see if I can file several hundred and spend millions of dollars on cases that the defense attorneys find "hard to lose." That would make a lot of sense. What do you thinK?
Mr. Fieger said it best on your program when he said, "You, my friend, haven’t had that loss in your life. Thank God." You have shown, as most people who criticize what we do, that you will RUN, not walk, RUN to us when you do. You even RUN to us when you’ve been slapped. Hopefully, you won’t experience the real loss Mr. Fieger refers to on your program.
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