In the fall of 2012, Johnson and Johnson settled a small amount of lawsuits involving the Antipsychotic drug Risperdal. The Plaintiff’s in the Risperdal Lawsuit, all males, alleged that Risperdal cause them to develop male breasts.
A year later, Johnson and Johnson agreed to settle another lawsuit involving Risperdal. This time with the Department of Justice over improper marketing practices. Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay $2.2 billion in criminal and civil fines for promoting off-label use of Risperdal with vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.
The Risperdal Lawsuits allege that Johnson and Johnson knew that children were susceptible to specific side effects from Risperdal such as an elevated production of the hormone prolactin. It is alleged that This increase in hormone production caused a number of young adolescent males to experience an increased breast tissue and develop a condition known as Gynecomastia.
Risperdal Lawyers have been filing Risperdal Gynecomastia lawsuits for years. Because the victims are minors, there is frequently an extended statute of limitations to file a Risperdal lawsuit. Risperdal Lawyers are hopeful that the recent $2.2billion settlement will mean that more settlements are likely for Risperdal Gynecomastia victims.

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One Comment
I am not so sure Johnson & Johnson is the only entity to blame. Virginia has been using technology like the audiospotlight on citizens for years. They are implanting citizens without their knowledge and consent. A Psychiatrist told me in my case - it was all a state police setup. He told me he was hired to medicate me and had n part in the torture - they stopped my heart 90 times in 6 hours. The doctors and law enforcement knew it was a psyops - yet they recklessly endangered my life anyway. The CSB's, judges, law enforcement are all in on the secret implanting of innocent citizens and when caught - they call it the brain initiative. I had a heart attack. They routinely break into my home and put drugs in my food and admit it in a letter in the mail to me. Make sure you are suing the right entity.
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