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A Texas man has filed a lawsuit against Nissan alleging that despite being properly used the seatbelt in his 1997 Pathfinder became unlatched when a driver who ran a stop sign struck the vehicle. Michael Guillory claims that his injuries resulted from the seatbelt that failed to restrain him. The product liability suit claims that Nissan was negligent in the design, manufacture, assembly, marketing, testing of the seatbelts for the vehicle.

The lawsuit states that another vehicle, driven by Jeffrey Moon, disregarded a stop sign and crashed into Guillory’s vehicle. The plaintiff says his injuries are a result of the Nissan being “not reasonably crashworthy, and not reasonably fit for unintended, but clearly foreseeable, accidents.”

Guillory is seeking over $75,000 in damages. He is seeking compensation for pain and suffering, loss of consortium, physical impairment, mental anguish, and medical expenses among other damages.

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