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Andrew Wardle, age 39, has lived his entire life without a penis. Born with a rare condition where the bladder develops outside of the body, doctors were able to perform surgery at birth to put his bladder back inside of his body, but Andrew was left without a penis. But doctors at University College London are about to change all that by using skin from his forearm to construct a penis.

The surgery is complicated and will be split into three parts. Doctors plan to remove a large flap of skin from Andrew's forearm and use its blood vessels and nerves to construct a tube and graft it to Andrew's pubic area. They will provide him with a pump to help him urinate and have sex. Despite his lack of penis, Andrew claims to have slept with over 100 women but has also lived a life of drugs and depression to cope with is lack of manhood.

Andrew's life started off tragically: born to a 17-year-old mother, he was given up for adoption shortly after birth and has suffered countless kidney problems and other medical issues related to his birth defect. Because he was in and out of the hospital so frequently, he was bullied at school and had a hard time fitting in with the other kids. He did have his share of girlfriends, but turned to drugs like LSD and ecstasy because of his inability to perform like a normal man. Two years ago, he hit rock bottom and attempted to take his life with an overdose of pills. After confessing his problems to his sister, she led him back to his childhood doctor who told him of the recent advances in surgery that could provide him with a penis. He now plans on writing a book about his life and train as a counselor to help others facing major life problems.

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