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According to Michigan law, Attorney General Mike Cox can only provide legal assistance to the State, the Governor, and the Legislature. In addition to this general rule, the Attorney General of Michigan can also investigate and prosecute claims of fraud against individual or groups of Michigan consumers. However, if you have a claim against a drug company, don’t look to Mike Cox for help.

If you have been injured by a defective or dangerous drug and live in Michigan, you have no legal recourse against the manufacturer. Even if there was fraud or other deceptive practices involved in the marketing of a drug, typical violations of the Michigan Consumer Protection Act, Attorney General Mike Cox will not get involved. But don’t worry, Mike Cox thinks you have a right to recover, you just have to go to another state. However, other state courts have denied recovery of against drug manufacturers by Michigan residents due to Michigan’s law banning all litigation against drug companies.

Michigan’s Consumer Protection Act empowers the Attorney General to investigate all claims of fraud on behalf of Michigan residents. As we recently noted, there are numerous claims of fraud related to dangerous drugs that have recently been taken off the market. Attorney General Mike Cox has decided the interests of the drug companies are more important than protecting the residents of Michigan who have been injured by dangerous drugs.

If he were truly interested in upholding his duties to protect the citizens of Michigan from consumer related fraud, he would advocate the repeal of the drug company immunity law. Unfortunately for Michigan residents, Mike Cox is not interested in disobeying the pharmaceutical industry. If you believe the residents of Michigan deserve protection from dangerous drugs, contact Attorney General Mike Cox and let him know your opinion.

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