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Michael R. Bloomberg, New York City Mayor, announced the launch of the new World Trade Center Health Website. The website will house all health related issues stemming from the health of effects of 9/11 in one place.

The new website will be utilized to bring together the latest scientific research and services, including where those suffering from adverse health affects can go for free medicine and treatment.

Additionally, the site will include research findings and treatment options for the various different groups of affected people including: children, city employees, rescue and recovery workers, residents and more.

“There is much we still don’t know about World Trade Center health effects,” said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, New York City Health Commissioner. “But we do know that some rescue and recovery workers, city employees, and residents have experienced health problems. Some have experienced respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, or mental health issues such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

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