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July 2, 2010

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has opened an investigation into reports of the loss of power steering in the Mazda3 and BMW Z4 vehicles, says a Bloomberg Businessweek article.

The investigation involves more than 290,000 Mazda3 vehicles from model years 2007-2009 and about 48,000 BMW Z4 vehicles from model years 2003-2005.

33 Mazda3 owners have filed complaints with the NHTSA reporting the loss of power steering assist while driving that required the driver to use excessive force to control the vehicle. Three of the complaints claim the loss of power steering resulted in a crash.

Jeremy Barnes, U.S. spokesman for Hiroshima, Japan-based Mazda, told Bloomberg that the company knew of the power steering defect and issued a notice of the defect to its dealers a year ago, instructing how to deal with customers who complained of the defect.

107 complaints filed with the NHTSA regarding BMW Z4s claim loss of power steering assist with one incidence resulting in a crash. Loss of power steering in the BMW Z4s reportedly occurs at a speed of 45 mph or faster and temperature 75 degrees and higher.

If the investigations reveal defects in the power steering system, it may lead to recalls.


  1. Gravatar for Cynthia

    I own a 2007 Mazda 3 and was wondering where I could find a list of VIN numbers involved in this investigation . . .

  2. Gravatar for Paul Napoli
    Paul Napoli

    Here is the link to the NHTSA investigation document:

    Mazda has issued technical service bulletins to dealers, so if you are concerned you should first ask your local dealer or contact the NHTSA at:

    If you have experienced problems with your power steering assist, please contact your local Mazda dealer for service and report the event to the NHTSA.

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