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Outdoor grilling is a popular way to prepare summertime meals. Every year, hundreds of fires are started by grills causing injuries and burns, some fatal. Although some grill fires are due to a faulty grill, most are the result of unsafe grilling practices. Charcoal grills cause fewer fires, but they present a serious hazard from carbon monoxide poisoning. Propane grills make grilling easier and faster, but are not without risks of their own.

Before planning your next cookout, review these safety tips.

1. Only grill outdoors and away from the house and other structures.

2. Never store a grill indoors; don’t attempt to move it until it has completely cooled.

3. Never leave the grill unattended, once lit; keep a fire extinguisher close by.

4. Keep the lid open when lighting the grill.

5. Keep your grill clean to avoid grease fires.

6. Keep children and pets a safe distance away from grills.

7. Regularly check the grill for cracks and leaks. Do not light a match to check for leaks.

8. For charcoal grills, use starter fluid sparingly, and never add it to an open flame.

9. For propane grills, make sure the spark igniter is consistently generating a spark to create a flame and burn the propane gas. If the flame is not visible, gas may be escaping and could cause an explosion.

10. Always store propane tanks outdoors, in an upright position.

In the event of a fire, close the grill cover if using a charcoal grill. For propane grills, turn off the burners. Also shut off the take valve, if possible. Never try to extinguish a grease fire with water; it will cause the flames to flare up. Only use an approved fire extinguisher. If personal safety or property is at risk, call 9-1-1 immediately.

A happy cookout is a safe cookout, so keep these safety tips in mind the next time you grill.

Mark Bello has thirty-three years experience as a trial lawyer and twelve years as an underwriter and situational analyst in the lawsuit funding industry. He is the owner and founder of Lawsuit Financial Corporation which helps provide cash flow solutions and consulting when necessities of life funding is needed during litigation. Bello is a Justice Pac member of the American Association for Justice, Sustaining and Justice Pac member of the Michigan Association for Justice, Business Associate of the Florida, Tennessee, and Colorado Associations for Justice, a member of the American Bar Association, the State Bar of Michigan and the Injury Board.

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