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Recently in western Pennsylvania a man filed a personal injury claim when his 1998 Mercury Sable was hit by an oncoming truck that ran through a red light. According to statements from eyewitnesses it was very clear that there was a red light and the truck continued to go through it. The driver claimed to not have seen the red light change and has continued to maintain his innocence by saying that when he was traveling through the stoplight it was green. After reconstruction experts recreated the scene it was determined that the light was red. The man suffered critical injuries to both legs and lower spinal cord, the man was also given stitches for several lacerations on his forehead. The impact of the collision sent the plaintiffs car into a telephone poll and into incoming traffic. The man is suing for personal and physical damages, and as a result of the accident feels he may be permanently disabled because of the permanent numbness in his left leg. Also, the man had to take three months off from work as a result of the injuries sustained from the accident, and is still currently in rehabilitation for the injuries to his legs. These types of accidents are becoming more common with people rushing around to get holiday shopping done. This accident occurred on a busy Saturday morning outside a local shopping mall where many people were passing through; luckily only one person was injured as the result of this accident. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident similar to this visit for more information

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