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Plaintiff sued a neurosurgeon on a medical malpractice theory claiming that the defendant doctor negligently performed a surgery on the Plaintiff’s leg with the result that it is permanently swollen and painful. Plaintiff claimed that Defendant severed a main vein during a 1999 operation and failed to prescribe blood thinners following the surgery.

Plaintiffwas a police officer for Rumford, Maine before the surgery and is now a dispatcher. He is unable to return to work as a police officer because he takes blood thinners that would make it dangerous for him to be injured. Defendant denied wrongdoing and claimed that the vein injury was a known risk of the surgery.

Plaintiff’s verdict for $78,000 in past medical expenses, $170,000 for future medical expenses, $46,000 for lost earnings and $350,000 for pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.

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