After being locked out for a week, like the NFL refs, the Friday links are back. I’m sure we’ll be cheered like the men in stripes were when they took the field for Ravens-Browns last night. Remember, nobody’s perfect, so we’ll probably be booed soon enough. Until then…!
Legal Examiner Articles
Dottie Perry offers an overview of Alabama contract law and invites others to contribute.
John McKiggan breaks down the concept of vicarious liability in sex abuse cases.
Sometimes doctors don’t have all the information they need to definitively say a prescription drug is safe. David Mittleman wonders if drug companies like it that way.
Employed by a company that has you working around power lines? Mike Ferrara offers these safety precautions.
Most cruise passengers feel safe at various ports, but Brett Rivkind points out that cruise lines have a duty to warn passengers about potential dangers.
Elsewhere Around the Web
Max Kennerly discusses the importance not only of expert testimony, but of acquiring the exact type of expert needed. (Litigation & Trial)
What do insurance companies celebrate? The Onion knows. (um… The Onion?)
Bloomberg takes a closer look at the “unprecedented level of openness in Government.” (yes, Bloomberg)
Jordan Rushie opines on the importance of attending a “good” law school. (Philly Law Blog)
Ken at Popehat ponders the value of a certain attorney registry. (Popehat)

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