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Over the past year millions of people have purchased radio-controlled toy helicopters. I am sure you have seen numerous commercials advertising the small helicopters that can be flown anywhere. It has now been discovered that some of these popular toys may pose a significant fire risk. Soft Air USA Inc. of Grapevine, Texas along with the US Consumer Products Safety Commission have issued a recall of about 30,000 toy helicopters that have been shown to be a potential fire hazard.

The rechargeable battery inside of the helicopters can overheat and catch fire during recharging. This poses a serious burn and fire threat to consumers. Soft Air has received six reports of helicopters igniting and one minor injury. The toy choppers were sold at sporting goods stores and though other retailers throughout the nation from May to December of 2007. Recalled helicopters should immediately stop being used and returned to the retailer where the item was purchased for a full refund.

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