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You are helping with a community service project by cleaning up a roadside. You come across a soda bottle and naturally pick it up. In doing so, a cloud of gas was released. The fumes hit your face and it begins to burn. You are rushed to the hospital with serious burns on your face and arms. This can happen, and here’s why:

Inexpensive household products are mixed together. They are toxic and when combined, are highly dangerous. And, it is exploding the nation – literally.

A new way to produce methamphetamine is known as “shake and bake” or “one pot” because it requires a handful of household ingredients and a container, such as a plastic soda bottle for mixing. Once the ingredients are combined in the bottle, pressure builds up. Any oxygen in the bottle can result in a giant fireball. Drug users will carry the ingredients in a knapsack and mix it “on the go.” Once the meth is extracted, the user will usually dump the bottle along the roadway, in the woods, parks, yards, and more – essentially putting the contents of the waste out in the open where they could potentially be found by anyone, especially those helping to clean up the environment. Bottles used for the production of “shake and bake” meth are not only very toxic, but high volatile and subject to explosion.

To remain safe, wear protective gloves and do not touch items if you are not sure of their contents. Empty soda bottles that contain a brown crystalline residue or appear disfigured or marred in an unusual way could have been used for drugs. Suspicious materials like the blemished bottles inside a trash bag could be cause for concern, as well. If the damaged bottle is emitting strange smells or is accompanied by tubing, it was likely used for the manufacture of meth. Leave the bottle alone and call the police. Most importantly, do not touch this “Shake and Bake” meth bottle.

Mark Bello has thirty-three years experience as atrial lawyer and twelve years as an underwriter and situational analyst in the lawsuit funding industry. He is the owner and founder ofLawsuit Financial Corporation which helps provide cash flow solutions and litigation funding consulting when necessities of life legal finance is needed during litigation. Bello is a Justice Pac member of the American Association for Justice, Sustaining and Justice Pac member of the Michigan Association for Justice, Business Associate of the Florida, Tennessee, and Colorado Associations for Justice, a member of the American Bar Association, the State Bar of Michigan and the Injury Board.

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