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Ask you doctor! You can discuss the risks and benefits of this treatment with your doctor. You should not make this decision on your own.

While it can be confusing and frightening to read a news report about a serious side effect of a drug you are currently taking, you and your doctor need to weigh the risks against the benefits. If you are currently taking Zithromax, or if you are typically prescribed a Z-Pak when you have an infection, then you might be concerned about the latest study which found an increased risk of sudden cardiac death for users of Zithromax as compared to users of other antibiotics or no antibiotics.

The FDA is recommending that people who are currently taking Zithromax continue to take the drug. However, the FDA is also suggesting that patients, particularly those with heart issues, speak to their doctor about their risks.

The primary concern raised in study published in the May 2012 New England Journal of Medicine was the risk of sudden cardiac death. That means that a Zithromax death could occur with little or no warning. Accordingly, the time to discuss your potential risks with your doctor is before you begin antibiotic treatment.

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