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Are you still dealing with the headache of insurance claims due to hurricane Ike? To make the process easier on you and your family, there are a couple of useful tips to keep in mind when making your claim, and things to keep in mind for future reference.

Due to the fact that your claim is coming from storm damage, the first thing that you should do is take pictures of your property and make a thorough list of what was damaged. In order to keep further damage from occurring, you should also take precautions by making temporary repairs to your home. It is not necessary to make permanent claims before the claims adjuster inspects your home, but make sure to keep all receipts and records of your repairs. Another important tip is to try and be present when the adjuster inspects your damage. Having your contractor present while your home is being inspected is also a good idea, but beware of fraudulent contractors! Do not get fooled by crooked building contractors or unlicensed public adjusters who may try to take advantage of the confusion and emergency conditions and rip off you and your insurance company.

If your home has become flooded then be aware that homeowners, renters, and dwelling policies do not cover flood damage due to rising waters. If water has entered through an opening in your roof or a damaged wall, then it might be covered by some policies. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) provides insurance that covers damage from rising waters, but this must be obtained separately from a standard homeowners policy. If you have a NFIP policy, then you can report your claims to your agent or call 1-800-638-6620. If you need help recovering from Hurricane Ike, remember to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at or call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362).

To better prepare for the future and to make dealing with your insurance company less stressful, keep these helpful tips in mind!

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