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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working to track down passengers and workers potentially exposed to Measles, after a U.K. woman infected with the virus traveled from 3 different U.S. airports last week.

"Public health authorities consider this a medical urgency, if not an emergency. They will do everything they can to track down everyone to see if they are indeed protected," William Schaffner, chair of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt Medical School.

The woman, 27, traveled from the United Kingdom through Washington Dulles International Airport, Denver International Airport and on to Albuquerque International Airport last week, according to the agency.

The measles virus is highly transmittable via the air and therefore anyone in her vicinity could have been potentially exposed.

Measles takes about 18 days to develop, so the actual extent of exposure remains to be seen. It looks and feels like a cold initially but later a rash develops on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.

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