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A recently filed lawsuit alleges that Continental Airlines discriminated against pilots actively engaged in service with the armed forces. According to an August 31 news report about the suit, it is alleged that Continental illegally failed to credit time toward seniority and provide benefits to pilots who were called away due to military obligations. The effect on seniority appears to be of particular importance because the length of tenure is determinative in deciding whether a pilot gets a desired route. The report also states that the lawsuit alleges harassment on the part of Continental against the pilots. Finally, there is also a claim that Continental failed to hire at least one candidate due to the fact that he was currently serving in the reserves. If true, any one of these allegations against the airline would be troubling on a number of levels. Those who choose to serve our country ought to be accommodated to whatever extent the law requires, if not to an even greater degree. Employers have a responsibility to recognize and respect the sacrifices made by these individuals.

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