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Visitors to the theme parks of Florida may not appreciate the pain and suffering going on under those character costumes. The word from China is that being Mickey or Pluto is not a walk in the park.

In Florida, the Workers’ Compensation law requires that the employer provide a safe workplace. If costumed characters are regularly experiencing physical problems, which may be the case, I would personally feel the requirement is not being met.

Disney park actors suffering costume-related injuries, union says

HONG KONG — Being Mickey Mouse can be a pain in the neck, according to some actors at the Hong Kong Disneyland.

The actors’ union says more than 30 people have suffered muscle, neck and waist problems from working long hours in heavy character costumes. But the union says the injured performers can’t get paid time off to recover.

Hong Kong law doesn’t recognize the problems caused by an occupational hazard.

The union wants the Hong Kong government to upgrade its occupational safety laws to reflect the “special job nature of character performers.”

Hong Kong Disneyland says it follows “regulatory guidelines and market practice,” and works with physiotherapy experts to prevent injuries.


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