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What began with an oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010 has turned into the worst environmental disaster in our nation’s history. The oil rig explosion, the sinking of the rig, the loss of life, and the ensuing oil spill in the Gulf has become an unprecedented economic, environmental, and political crisis. The disaster threatens a young presidency as Obama grapples to restore public confidence in the government’s ability to hold BP accountable. More importantly, it’s threatening our environment and our economy. Numerous hotel reservations have been cancelled along our beaches and the ban on fishing (150 miles off Tampa Bay) has left commercial fishermen with no work for the foreseeable future. This is bad and the future doesn’t look any better. Recent efforts to stem the tide of oil gushing into the Gulf have failed and no one knows for certain how to stop the oil.

Lloyd’s of London has estimated that claims against British Petroleum now stand somewhere between $300 and $600 million. If you’ve been injured or suffered economic loss as a result of the BP oil spill, you may fill out a claim form located at:

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