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Over 70,000 lawsuits are pending in the U.S. federal courts against seven different manufacturers of transvaginal mesh implants. Ethicon, Boston Scientific, C.R. Bard, American Medical Systems (AMS), Coloplast, Cook, and Neomedic all marketed these products to OB physicians for implantation in women who had pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence.

Over the last year there have been a string of multimillion dollar verdicts against Ethicon, Boston Scientific and Bard. American Medical Systems (AMS) is in the middle of an $830 million settlement of hundreds of cases. There are an increasing number of lawsuits being set for trial and new cases are being filed every day.

These mesh products were aggressively marketed with little safety testing testing. The U.S. FDA is concerned that the risks and complications involved with these products may not be worth the advertised benefits. The FDA has ordered the manufacturers to complete detailed safety studies and several companies have recalled or stopped selling the products because the handwriting appears to be on the wall that these products are unsafe in most applications.

Patients with these implanted meshes are suffering from mesh extruding through the vaginal walls or into the bladder causing extreme pain and infections. Many women have under gone multiple surgeries but the mesh cannot be completely removed and frequently complications recur repeatedly after surgery.

The large verdicts being handed down in these cases demonstrates that most jurors who hear the facts have concluded that these companies put their own profits ahead of the safety of thousands of women. This litigation is expected to continue for years into the future.

Our firm provides free consultations on potential mesh lawsuits and we are regularly filing new lawsuits.



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