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A bottle of Zantac 150 with some blue pills beside it, on a white background

In the fall of 2019 the USDA reported on the existence of NDMA in Zantac and generic ranitidine products Several months later an order was issued requiring the recall of every single ranitidine drug on the market. The discovery of this contaminent in Zantac was extremely alarming for the estimated 15 million Americans who take the over-the-counter (OTC) heartburn medication. N-Nitrosodimethylamine – NDMA – is acually much more than a contaminant – it also is a carcinogen.

This distressing discovery NDMA in Zantac has brought lawsuits on behalf of plaintiffs who claim the companies knew of the presence of NDMA in the medication yet did not disclose that information to the FDA. These complaints have been filed by individuals diagnosed with stomach cancer, bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer and other cancers along the digestive tract, alleging that ranitidine contained in Zantac breaks down into NDMA inside the body.

Other studies have also linked NDMA to prostate cancer. An early study conducted on laboratory animals showed that weekly ingestion of nitrosamine induced prostate cancer in 5 out of 15 subjects. Excessive cell growth was also found in the prostate gland of 13 subjects with or without cancer.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. In the United more than 3 million cases of prostate cancer diagnosed each year It often grows slowly, and is treatable as long as it is contained to the prostate. Once it metastasizes to other parts of the body, the chances of survival are greatly diminished.

Many Zantac lawsuits and Zantac class-action lawsuits have already been filed in courts around the country. Plaintiffs have claimed that the manufacturers knew or should have known about the presence of NDMA in their products but failed to warn consumers or healthcare providers. Zantac was a popular and widely distributed drug and at Saunders & Walker we believe that there could be thousands more potential claims against these companies that are worth billions in compensation for the consumers harmed by this dangerous drug.

Saunders & Walker continues to advocate for the welfare of people who have suffered injury from negligence by the corporate medical device and pharmaceutical drug industry. If you or a loved one took Zantac or a generic equivalent and have been diagnosed with cancer, please contact Saunders & Walker at 1-800-748-7115 for a free consultation to review your case and help determine your best legal options for pursuing justice and compensation. For more detailed information you can you to our website below:

Update on the Zantac Lawsuits







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