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In recent years, cell phones and their users have taken some serious blame for making our roads more dangerous. Texting while driving or even talking while driving—both forms of distracted driving—are shown to substantially increase the likelihood of getting in an accident. But now cell phone technology has advanced to the point that our cell phones can protects us from ourselves. I’m talking about a new app called PhoneGuard.

PhoneGuard is a software application that you can download to your phone to make sure that you—or your teenage driver—don’t use it while driving. The application kicks in when a vehicle is moving faster than 10 mph and disables the texting, emailing and keyboard functions of the mobile phone. The application uses GPS tracking to sense when a vehicle is in motion and initiate the safety features. Then, once the vehicle has stopped for five full seconds, the phone returns to normal use. This is a great app for those who lack the self-discipline to just set the phone down when they are behind the wheel.


And in July, this safety app got some serious celebrity endorsements: Justin Bieber teamed up with the PhoneGuard team and the Remember Alex Brown Foundation to promote the use of this app and to bring an end to texting while driving. According to the US Department of Transportation, more than 1000 people die each year due to texting and driving. Alex Brown was one of them and her family has started a foundation to promote behavioral changes and bring awareness to this key issue. PhoneGuard is a major step towards achieving this, particularly with the endorsement of major celebrity Justin Bieber—who can connect with teenagers and influence their behavior in ways that parents and government safety agencies simply cannot. People who download the PhoneGuard app off the PhoneGuard website will be entered into a contest to win a one-of-a-kind Justin Bieber signed tour jacket.

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