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I wrote a previous blog post about cars becoming “iPhones on Wheels.” Ford Motor Company is taking it to the next level by introducing a vehicle, called the B-Max, which can control smart-phone apps through voice control. Ford is so focused on the technological aspects of the B-Max that it was unveiled and the Mobile World Congress – a mobile phone industry event – rather than at an auto show.

The B-Max is also capable of “cloud computing” to expand its capabilities, but also exposes the vehicle to threats of hacking. Vehicle electronic and computer systems are easy to hack and because vehicles like the B-Max are incorporating more and more technology, the hacking threat becomes even greater.

Some automotive insiders claim that increased technology in vehicles can help reduce distracted driving and the B-Max is certainly being presented that way. In the meantime, the best method to prevent distracted driving is to put down the cell phones and other devices and focus on driving!

Distracted driving continues to be an epidemic. To combat the distracted driving problem a group of more than 750 trial attorneys from the country have volunteered to speak at schools in all 50 states to spread the word about distracted driving dangers to young drivers. The group has set a goal of speaking to more than 100,000 students in one week during National Distracted Driving Awareness Month (April 2012).

Please don't put yourself and others at risk.

Learn More:

[More on Distracted Driving]

[More on Texting While Driving]

(c) Copyright 2012 Brett A. Emison

Follow @BrettEmison on Twitter.

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