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This Labor Day weekend marks the 15th anniversary of the “Booze It & Lose It” mobilization to crack down on impaired drivers in North Carolina. The Labor Day “Booze It & Lose It” campaign began on Aug. 21 and runs until Sept. 7.

My friend and colleague from Hawaii, Wayne Parsons, recently posted some truly sobering statistics on drunk driving. The read is worth your time, check it out here.

In North Carolina in 2008, there were 11,968 alcohol-related crashes resulting in 433 fatalities and 9,263 injuries. Combating the drunk driving scourge is a daunting task. While it can’t stop every drunk driver, the “Booze It & Lose It” campaign is an effective tool.

“Booze It & Lose It” began in 1994 and was created to zero in on impaired drivers with innovative and extensive anti-DWI enforcement and education. Since 1994, law enforcement agencies have conducted more than 194,000 checkpoints and patrols during “Booze It & Lose It” campaigns resulting in more than 103,000 driving while impaired citations.

For those of us that may be out on the roads this holiday weekend its comforting to know that law enforcement officers are on the job trying to keep drunk drivers off our roads. Thanks guys!

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