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An accident happened this past Independence Day, when a 20 year old, driving under the influence, ran off the road striking a tree and a rock. The passenger was killed. The driver, severely injured, was charged with a slew of violations, including driving while impaired and felony death by motor vehicle, among others.

A tragic accident such as this would seem to end with charges against the intoxicated driver. In this case, these charges were only the beginning.

Following an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the accident, NC Alcohol Law Enforcement recently charged three additional people with aiding and abetting underage possession of alcoholic beverages, among other infractions.

Although more than five months have passed since the night of the accident in question, time alone did not absolve the people involved from the scrutiny of the law enforcement, and, subsequently, the news-media.

The charges incurred by those involved may take years to resolve – disability lasts a lifetime – and death is forever. A good host has not only the responsibility of making sure his guests have a good time, but also the obligation of assuring that alcohol is served in a safe and lawful manner.

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