My Workplace Safety headlines the serious injuries and deaths which are related to forklifts on work sites. Forklifts and Warehouses: a dangerous combination in the WorkplaceEach year in the United States, nearly 100 workers are killed and another 20,000 are seriously injured in forklift-related incidents.Most forklift related fatalities occur when a worker is crushed by a forklift that has...
As everyone knows, an out-break of e-coli contamination has caused spinach to be taken off menus around the country. Grocery stores removed all spinach-containing products from their shelves. Restaurants were compelled to find alternatives for their customers. At least 183 people in 26 states have become ill during the outbreak. One woman in Wisconsin died and officials are looking at two...
Health authorities have identified a 5-year-old Harford County, Maryland boy-whose mother fed him spinach-as one of Maryland's three confirmed infections by the deadly E. coli bacteria. According to the Baltimore Sun one of the Maryland cases has been fatal. Although health authorities have not officially linked the recent Maryland cases to the nationwide outbreak, there are significant...
The upcoming September 30th deadline to file lawsuits involving Vioxx claims has Texas plaintiffs' firms busy reviewing medical records and preparing for the last minute court filings. Attorneys and support staff in our office are working hard to make contacts and rush orders of pharmacy and medical records to get any viable claims filed before the deadline passes. Texas lawyers, including our...
Not all spinal injuries receive the immediate care they need at the scene of an accident. It may be helpful to understand the procedures that emergency personel should go through when presented with a possible spinal injury.Paramedics and first responders ascribe to the basic tenet of "do no harm." Their routine protocol is to use spinal immobilization for patients with major traumatic...
The law in Florida on tainted food products is supposed to be strict liability. That means no matter who's "fault" it may be, if the food is tainted, then the company that sold it to you should be liable for your injury or death. If this actually worked, it would save a lot of court and litigant time and expense trying to run down what cow in what spinach patch gave us the first contamination of...
Its not safe to eat Spinach anymore, what a horrible way to get sick. As you may know yhe E. coli outbreak from spinach has sickened at least 175 people, the Food and Drug Administration said Monday. More than half, 93, were hospitalized, including a 77-year-old Wisconsin woman who died.Two other deaths have been reported in suspected cases -- a child in Idaho and an elderly woman in Maryland....
Looks like Olive Oyl won't be kissing Popeye anytime soon. Can you believe the outbreak of E. Coli apparently contained in spinach. Well my kids are happy that they are not having to eat spinach anymore, but how about those poor people who while trying to live healthy contracted this horrible bacteria. The latest confirmed numbers show that the E. coli outbreak from spinach has sickened at...
With fall returning to the District, many of the wonderful things about living here in the nation's capital return, such as the Redskins, and the scores of college students returning to the area. But with the holidays approaching, many students will be searching for the cheapest ride home from the holidays. For many students living in the Northeast, they may turn to the few inexpensive bus...
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by a blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. Not all blows or jolts to the head result in a TBI. The severity of a TBI may range from "mild," i.e., a brief change in mental status or consciousness to "severe," i.e., an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury. According to...