Is the FDA doing enough to protect the public from potentially serious drug side effects? According to a recently released Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, it doesn’t look like it. Though the administration approved many drugs between 2006 and 2014 through their “fast-track” processes, the…
A St. Louis jury has determined that pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J) should pay a total of $72 million in compensatory and punitive damages to the family of Jackie Fox, a woman who passed away in 2015 due to complications related to her ovarian…
En una sentencia hecha pública lunes por la noche, un jurado del estado de Missouri ordenó a Johnson & Johnson a pagar $ 72 millones en daños a la familia de una mujer cuya muerte fue por cáncer de ovario que estaba relacionado con su…
For someone pursuing a personal injury claim to recover damages, it may seem counterintuitive that he be required take steps to minimize the effects of his injury. After all, isn’t the idea to maximize losses to recover the most compensation available? Maybe, but every plaintiff…
In years past, railroads have been caught, on numerous occasions, trying to hide evidence of safety lapses in court. As such, the American Association for Justice (AAJ) is requesting the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) abandon a proposal that would give railroads legal cover to hide…
Virginia experienced two feet of snow in early 2016 from Snowstorm Jonas. As a result, most roadways were covered in snow and ice. Some snow-narrowed roads also had patches of black ice, which refers to a thin coating of glazed ice on the surface, presenting…
Last year the FDA reported a total of 142 patients infected with the antibiotic-resistant infection linked to procedures using duodenoscopes. A study just released by the US Senate found reports of at least 250 infected patients in the United States and Europe. The study was…
A follow-up to a seminal 2009 Virginia Tech study that showed distractions like taking a cell phone can take drivers’ eyes off the road for as long as 24 seconds has revealed that so-called “emotional driving” and speeding recklessly do the most to raise people’s…
Johnson & Johnson lost a case brought against them by a woman who alleged that her daily use of J&J products caused ovarian cancer. Jacqueline Fox, claimed she used the company’s talc-based Baby Powder and Shower products for 35 years. Unfortunately, cancer took Fox’s life…