Medical Device Review Process
The decision to get a hip implant is not something people take lightly. If someone does make that decision, they shouldn’t have to worry that the hip implant...
Governor Bill Haslam and Republican legislators in Tennessee are amping up efforts to pass tort reform legislation in Tennessee. On February 17, Haslam presented his first package of proposed...
A single-car accident caused the death of 12-year-old Roland Benjamin Sierra on Saturday, February 19, 2011, in Asheboro, North Carolina. The driver of the car, Reyna Patricia Valencia, age 35, was...
Bone Breaks
Elderly women can be susceptible to bone breaks. Drugs do exist, however, that are intended to prevent against those bone breaks. The problem is that, according to a study,...
The Detroit Free Press recently reported that more than 130 fatal snowmobile accidents with hundreds more seriously injured. Nine snowmobile fatalities have already occurred this season. Excessive...
Consumer Advocates eagerly await March 11, 2011. This is the scheduled launch date for the government database,, where people can share complaints of injury or worse from everyday...
Sean Kane, founder of Safety Research & Strategies, Inc., is calling on NHTSA and auto manufacturers to work together to make automobile seat heaters safer. In his paper on the subject, Mr. Kane...
MADD—Mothers Against Drunk Driving—serves a victim of an alcohol-related wreck every ten minutes. Though that’s an impressive statistic, every minute someone suffers serious...
Minnesota is a no-fault automobile state. This means that when you are in a collision there are basic benefits of medical bills, wage loss, medical mileage and replacement services that will be...
A 25-year-old woman narrowly escaped serious injuries when she collided with a tractor trailer. She admittedly fell asleep at the wheel and drifted into oncoming traffic. The attentive truck driver...