In October, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a recall on 1.6 million Delta Enterprise Corp. cribs, but those cribs that had been fixed by the recall may not be safe after all....
Tuesday afternoon, a intersection collision in Benton County killed a infant and injured four others . Police are still investigating the cause. The tragedy happened at about 5:30 p.m. at the...
The general approach to cancer research is to treat each cancer as a unique disease. Now Hartmut Hucky Land, Ph.D., is taking the opposite approach: what do all cancers have in common and how can...
Daniel A. Menchik and Xiaoli Tian of the University of Chicago) have published a new study in the current issue of American Journal of Sociology on how we use emoticons, subject lines, and...
As many of you saw on the news, a bus carrying the Bellevue High School Football team overturned this weekend. The cause of the accident was an improperly secured ladder. This incident highlights...
Thanksgiving weekend is a busy weekend for most people. Many of us have to travel great distances to be with our friends and family. Unfortunately, more people on the road for longer periods of time...
In a plan to create better care by doctors and safer stays in hospitals, Medicare is not going to pay the bills for problems created by medical errors. The hope is that is to improve the quality of...
Friday morning, a St Cloud woman was sent to the hospital after a intersection collisions. The collision took place at the intersection of Eighth Street South and Washington Memorial Drive at just...
Happy Thanksgiving! Or at least it's a happy Thanksgiving for people who still have their jobs. But this Thanksgiving a lot of people have lost their jobs. And even worse, a lot of people haven't...
The implosion of the financial industry, and subsequently the rest of the economy, will likely lead to a surge in tort claims. According to a Tower Perrin report on the national cost of torts,...