An alarming investigation by CBS News has uncovered that veterans coming home from the battlefield may face unexpected dangers while receiving treatment from Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. The recent report found that veterans have been dying of accidental medication overdoses at a far higher rate…
Fall brings many recreational activities such as football, trips to the pumpkin patch, hayrack rides and, of course, Halloween. As a child growing up in a small Nebraska town in the late 70s and early 80s, Halloween was fun and fairly safe. The worst we…
The recent warning given by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the safety of dog treats conjures up memories of the horrible 2007 pet food recall that left over 4,000 pet owners grieving their best friends. Six years ago, Menu Foods issued a large…
If you read the fine print of your credit card agreement or pretty much any agreement with a large corporation, you may be surprised to learn that you signed away a critical legal right – the right to file a claim against the corporation in…
Toyota was recently cleared in a wrongful death lawsuit, but, an Oklahoma City jury found Toyota at fault in a 2007 case that involved a 2005 Toyota Camry suddenly accelerating and killing a passenger. The Japanese automaker is required to pay $3 million to the driver…
According to a WBNG-TV news report, another woman has died allegedly because she was using a birth control patch. She was 21-year old Justine Sperbeck of New York, and on August 28, 2013, she suddenly passed out. Her family later learned she had suffered a…
The old story goes it was Harry Truman who said “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog?” For dog-lovers there is no substitute for the quality of companionship a canine buddy brings. But what happens when the unthinkable happens and someone or something…
In Alabama, the minimum “bodily injury” insurance coverage is $25,000.00. So, what if another driver crashes into you and causes significant personal injury and only has the minimum coverage? Well, you can either hope the other driver is independently wealthy so that if you obtain…
Say No to HB 4354! A bipartisan judiciary committee is set to have a discussion on House Bill 4354 tomorrow. These committees are set up so that House and Senate members can hear the pros and cons of a bill prior to it going to…
National Teen Driver Safety Week continues. Throughout the week, I’ve been writing about the importance of educating teen drivers on how to drive safely and responsibly — and especially the extreme dangers of distracted driving. On that note, I wanted to share this unbelievable video…